
What can nonprofit leaders do when it becomes clear that a change in culture is needed to realize organizational goals?

What can nonprofit leaders do when it becomes clear that a change in culture is needed to realize organizational goals? Kirk Kramer and Carole Matthews, in a 2012Bridgespan article, discuss four ways that nonprofit leaders can take action that influence behavior that leads to cultural change. The authors suggest that nonprofit leaders focus on the following:
  • Make sure that you have the right people on board and that they receive the support they need to do their work well
  • Use performance assessment systems to set clear expectations for people and to give them feedback when they are or are not on track
  • Clarify decision-making processes, establishing who will define the rules of the road that will guide the focus and actions of the organization
  • Use personal communication from the executive director to appeal to employees’ passion for the cause they signed up for – the organization’s mission and vision.

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As seen in the January 2016 issue of LeadTime.

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